Sorvemaa Heritage Association NGO aims to preserve the cultural identity (habits, lifestyle, language, skills, crafts, etc.) of Jamaja and Ansekula parishes of island Saaremaa, Estonia.
Our mission is to establish a supportive environment to sustain our culture. To comprehend it and live our culture with deep understanding. To hand our ancient lifestyle to our youth and children. We connect skilled masters with those who want to learn, pass knowledge to those attracted to it, and bring archives into today’s life. We focus on Sorvemaa music, clothing, language and the development of local cultural education.
Our main target is Sorve people, either living in Sorvemaa or somewhere else. Also, newcomers who respect our way of life are welcome. We are open to everybody who shares our values.
As an NGO, we build our activities according to our heritage and aims. We stay independent of political and economic influences.
Management board:
Tammeougu Mari Lepik
Vesikonna Katrina Tarkin
Tammeniidi Margus Lepik

Sorvemaa Heritage Association NGO
Contact e-mail:
Tammeougu, Anseküla village, Saaremaa county,
Estonia, 93211